Today, we spent two hours with Mark Brown of Lutheran World Federation at the complex at August Victoria on the Mt. of Olives. Augusta Victoria has a rich history - originally built by Kaiser Wilhelm in the late 1800's, it is very strategically located on the Mount of Olives. Not only can a person see Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley, but you can see out into the Judean Wilderness to the north as well. After the Germans used it as the center of their presence in Jerusalem, the Turks used the facility as their headquarters in the early 1900s, and the British used it as their headquarters from 1917 until 1948. Currently there is a church dedicated to Kaiser Wilhelm's wife (Augusta Victoria) and the Hospital and other buildings on the grounds. The hospital specializes in cancer care (radiation and chemotherapy) and dialysis for both children and adult Palestinian people.
There are many, many olive trees on the property which - in the next month or so - will be the destination of many volunteers from around the world to pick the olives so that their oil can be sold to support the church, hospital and their other ministries. I am hoping that my congregation, Clinton Heights Lutheran Church in Columbus, will purchase some of this olive oil as well as to consider sending financial gifts to the hospital as well. They have done away with any emergency medicine and childbirth to focus on the cancer and dialysis programs - it is the only facility in the area providing these services to the Palestinian people here. In addition, a few years ago the LWF headed up fundraising and installing of a wonderful soccer field with artificial turf and lights in one of the tougher Palestinian neighborhoods in the area. It has helped to transform the area from a dangerous place with much drugs and crime into a more positive atmosphere for the residents there.
It makes me proud to be among the Lutheran Christians who support the wonderful work that is being done with and for these folks!
The Augusta Victoria tower which can be seen from all over Jerusalem
The old symbol on one of their cars.
The brand new soccer field that is providing positive activities for the young people of the tough Palestinian neighborhood down the street from Augusta Victoria.
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